East Village Dallas Homes for Sale + Lease

East Village Dallas Homes for Sale + Lease

A neighborhood featuring unique modern homes has finally emerged! Welcome to East Village Dallas. An area exploding with modern custom homes like no other. East Village Dallas modern homes have arrived!

Spec builder Alan Kagan, owner of modern home building company Dwellings, spearheaded projects in the area during the 2009 real estate downturn. The risk has paid off as Dwellings has helped reshape an area mostly ignored during Dallas’ boom and bust eras. Moreover it has stimulated new developments by up and coming developers like Colin Lardner. Lardner met Kagan several years ago and after a number of long discussions the two agreed to collaborate on branding the area as well as developing more unique modern homes together. It’s a powerhouse combo. Kagan, one of a handful of builders who not only survived but thrived during the downturn, knows how to build modern homes people want. Lardner, a visionary real estate professional with a rich history in Uptown and selling urban homes, knows a thing or two about urban development. Lardner wrote a Masters thesis on Uptown and also built and sold urban homes. His experience is both academic and boots on the ground.


Clean + Modern East Village Dallas Home

The duo teamed up to take things to the next level and help continue to shape an area that is rich in unique homes and people, “off the beaten path” venues and a true melting pot of what makes an area cool – diversity of people, thought, homes and businesses. “The area is really what it means to be a ‘Village’, says Lardner. “People stay here because it’s home. People move here because they want it to be home too.

Indeed, the area is not owned by one developer, but a collage of long term hispanic residents, big and small builders, millennial tenants, empty nesters and various new home owners looking for something uniquely urban and modern. That’s what makes it cool. No one person or company dominates. It’s a true community working together to collaborate and add value in various ways to how each other lives.

If you are looking for a place to call home in Dallas’ new (renewing) East Village neighborhood please send us an email today to [email protected] or 844-LARDNER. We have new information daily and would love to keep you informed! Stay tuned for new developments and modern homes for sale in East Village Dallas!